instant access

美 [ˈɪnstənt ˈækses]英 [ˈɪnstənt ˈækses]
  • 即刻进入
instant accessinstant access
  1. This account gives you instant access to your money .


  2. Instant access to information is an important work of the development and utilization of information .


  3. We give you great rates and instant access .


  4. This will allow instant access to relevant data .


  5. Easy worldwide communication provides instant access to a vast array of data .


  6. This sort of account offers you instant access to your money .


  7. The current account offers savers instant access to funds .


  8. The Internet also allows instant access to the seasonal catwalk shows via public access sites .


  9. Simply click here and enter your friend 's email address to get them instant access .


  10. Click here for instant access .


  11. Both machines and humans will have access to a global net with instant access to the world 's knowledge .


  12. As you can see , sir , I have instant access over all my cadets .


  13. When you get a voice call , no matter what application you 're in , you always have instant access to it .


  14. There may be a requirement for more multi-media , or instant access to a live sales person to answer questions .


  15. Hot keys : Extend your reach with three hot keys for instant access to Internet , Mail , and Search .


  16. The physician also has instant access to the image data , resulting in faster visualization and streamlined treatment for improved patient care .


  17. With instant access to tips , instructions , and developmental notes , you can help your child reach their full potential .


  18. Additionally , radiation oncologists must deal with opinionated patients in this Internet-enabled world of instant access to medical information .


  19. How did we settle bar arguments on film and sports trivia without instant access to the web in our hands ?


  20. Fortunately for today 's students , the internet provides instant access to an unlimited wealth of resources at the click of a mouse .


  21. It is the perfect product for companies working in dynamic environments , for which instant access to their funds is an important requirement at any given moment .


  22. With a virtual monopoly on card payments in China , UnionPay also gives Apple instant access to a huge swath of new potential customers .


  23. The SpareOne can be pre - programmed for instant access to phone numbers of key contacts , including the relevant emergency services in any location .


  24. I signed up with the internet savings provider , Egg , back in 1999 when it was offering 8 per cent on instant access savings .


  25. In the face of public health crisis erupted repeatedly in recent years , How to make the patients with instant access to cheap effective drugs become a problem to be solved .


  26. Google , with its instant access to factoids of dubious veracity , is singled out as a primary source of the malaise .


  27. Most of the biggest worlds were made in " creative " mode , where you have instant access to all the textures items available in the game and you never run out of life .


  28. Once this infrastructure is in place , as database needs arise , users can simply go to the cloud , request the resources they require , and gain instant access to their own personal database on demand .


  29. Chinese banks now have impressive deposit bases , skyrocketing stock prices , and are on the hunt for offshore acquisitions that can give them expertise and instant access to international markets amid fierce domestic competition .


  30. AZUZ : Some of the people heading to those two parks will face a new policy starting next month : visitors with disabilities won 't get instant access to rides at Disneyland or Walt Disney World .
